Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Assigment 3 -- U C What I C

This is a visual story assignment. It’s mid-autumn festival period when we were doing this assignment. I guess my brain was fulfilled with moon and moon cakes, so cannot think of any good ideals other than mid-autumn….

Anyway, about just before I need present my work, I forced myself come out a lousy story...

There is a guy walking down the street…

He stopped and just stands there …
He looked around…

There are people keep coming and walking away…

He seems waiting for somebody there…

Finally when there are no people around…

He moved his foot, pick up the coin there and smiling…

Since my brain was quite useless so far… I cannot think of any better story. So I try to improve this one somehow. Here’s the script I come out for further development.

Hopefully, there would be a more clear twist after I added in a girl. I want to tell the girl seems has a crash on the guy. Then come out she just saw the money stepped by the guy. So she picks up the money after the guy leaves.

I cannot stand my photos for this assignment either… I kinda feel my ideal was really hard to short… it’s more emotional, I don’t think I’m that kida good photographer who can really catch people’s feelings .
Anyway, for the final one, I stick with the original ideal, and I did add in a girl… hope it produce more twist at the end…

Here we go, the story goes like this:

A guy is standing under a building. There are people keep walking by, he looks like waiting for someone. When he’s on the phone, there’s a girl walking down from the building, also on her phone. So it looks like the girl is the one the guy’s waiting for. But next photo, the girl walking by… when finally there’s no people around, the guy moved his feet, there’s two dollars there. he’s waiting for the time there’s no people around!

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