Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Assigment 1 -- About Me (I have & I love)

Love is easy. I love dogs very much, so it’s definitely takes no time for me to come out with “I love dogs!” The problem is I don’t really have something I hate. At least nothing comes to my mind. So I was trying to fig out something easier to draw and present. Then I “remember” I don’t like eat mushrooms. It’s easy to draw, so why not.

I didn’t get requirement for the first tutorial clearly. So I took my 4 draft for each to class.

For what I love, I was trying to tell I love dogs. So I am feeding the dog and protect him out of the rain, this kinda of thing. We are both happy with smiling faces. Hope it can tell…

After the tutorial, I realize people come out really good ideals and they choose themes like “I have violence”. My works are so childish and worse, I didn’t really understand what I suppose to do. My mushrooms are so “healthy and happy” which cannot tell that I hate them.

Then finally, I was thinking maybe I can draw a mushroom master who’s gonna eat me! It’s like nightmare or something. “After my parents force me to eat mushrooms, I dreamed about they are gonna eat me!” (which is never happened!! Haha~)

Still think my works are childish. I might change the whole thing if I get time. Anyway, the mushroom needs lots of improvements. I will play with different colors and effects to see what kind fits the best.

I really cannot stand my lousy design. I think I don’t really understand design. When I started my sketches, I was still sort on board, but I lost when I did the final one. I know my name wasn’t really in my design. But I don’t have time to redo already.
At the end of this semester, I know photoshop and illustrator much better than I did at the beginning. So I will fell the first assignment was damn terrible. But I don’t have time to do the whole thing again… I’m blaming my Japanese oral…
Anyway, I did some changes, hope the final one was not worse it has been…